Sheikh Family Scholar 2024


“Fuelled by a desire to serve my community, I aim to pursue a career in medicine with a special focus on research. I find a deep-rooted passion for neurology and oncology the former of which my FHS project is based upon. I am also particularly interested in health disparities such as gender, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity and one day aspire to address these.

Having graduated from a state school and coming from a lower socioeconomic background, I understand firsthand the challenges faced by young people in similar circumstances, from socioeconomic status to home problems, social expectations, and cultures itself within certain state school communities.

I would like to better support those around me and improve their outreach by increasing their awareness of the opportunities granted by higher education. I would also like to further develop my own skillset with the help of my personal tutor provided by the program. The financial help will also lift a financial burden which was a great worry for me and my family. This will not only helping with living costs but also allowing me to flourish even further giving me the freedom to more actively engage with the course and research opportunities furthering my career prospects.

As a recipient of COSARAF’s scholarship, I am deeply grateful for this opportunity. I am determined to utilise this support to further my education, explore research opportunities, and ultimately, make a meaningful impact in the field of medicine, guided by the grace of Allah.”