The news
£25,000 donation to St John’s School in Northwood for renovation of the outdoor play area last summer has meant that more than 100 Pre Prep children benefit from the outdoor play space enhancements, a benefit that will continue into the future.
The refurbishment of the outdoor areas at St John’s, Northwood has had a significant impact on pupil learning. The opportunities for pupils in the younger years of their time at school to spend time outdoors, unlimited by the hard flooring, allows them to learn to risk-take, use the floor for play, alongside physically interacting with their environment.
The creation of this space has allowed more frequent use for free flow and continuous provision for the EYFS learners. There is no distinction between the indoor and outdoor classroom, and the educational provision for children is significantly enhanced. The storage and wooden play equipment have also enhanced pupil opportunities and allowed the boys to become more independent in their selection of play equipment.
Trustees are pleased to leave a legacy contribution at an educational establishment that has nurtured many of the younger Sheikh family members.